Camp Counselor Opportunities

Minecraft, Pokemon, SPORE, & Supermario!

The Alouette River Management Society is hosting 5 weeks of themed day-camps this summer! These interactive camps bring children outdoors and allow them to experience their favorite online games in a hands-on, educational way. ARMS is looking for high-school students to volunteer as camp counselors over the summer and build lasting memories for kids in the community while gaining work experience and fulfilling volunteer hours needed to graduate. Playing outside, doing crafts, and exploring the forest means that our camps are never a dull moment for the kids or the counselors. Students are welcome to volunteer for multiple weeks. Here are the highlights of volunteering with ARMS:

  • Complete 30 volunteer hours per week
  • $50 honorarium awarded per week
  • Training provided
  • Letter of reference provided
  • Gain valuable work experience skills including:
    • Leadership
    • Time management
    • Working with children
    • Problem solving

Dates & Times

Supermario: July 6th – July 10th

9:00am to 2:00pm

SPORE: July 13th – 17th

9:00am to 2:00pm

Pokemon: July 20th – 24th

9:00am to 2:00pm

Minecraft Week 1: July 27th – July 31st

9:00am to 2:00pm

Minecraft Week 2: August 10th – August 14th

9:00am to 2:00pm

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