High School 2024 Programs
The Secret Life of Seeds $90 | Gr. 8-12
Why are seeds so amazing? How can we save seeds, and why do we do it? This hands on workshop provides students an opportunity to process seeds from a variety of plants, experiment with different seed-saving techniques while learning about the importance of seed saving for our futures and food systems. Participants will end by learning to test germination rates, package and store dry seeds and finish the workshop with packaged seeds to plant.
Exploring Citizen Science $90 | Gr. 8-12
What is citizen science? How can we connect with the biodiversity in our neighborhoods? In this workshop, students will conduct a biodiversity survey near their school, and learn how to publish the data they record using the iNaturalist platform. Participants will discuss the importance of citizen science as a tool for deepening our understanding of the world around us, as well as connecting with other nature enthusiasts and contributing to scientific research and stewardship.
An Introduction to the UNSDG $90 | Gr. 8-12
What are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals? Why is are they important? Within this workshop, students will deepen their understanding of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and explore the interconnecting complexities in addressing them. Throughout this workshop, students will get the opportunity to learn about the interconnections of environmental sustainability through utilizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This workshop will empower students to deepen their personal engagement with grassroots organizing and climate action-centered activism.