Salmon Enhancement Projects

The Alouette River Management Society has had the pleasure of restoring salmon habitat throughout the Alouette River and it’s off channels. In restoring habitat, we have been able to expand salmon habitat in the City of Pitt Meadows and City of Maple Ridge. The 232 street channel and Coniagias Farm are two examples of these projects, by making channels along the stream, and supplying gravel and woody debris, we have created areas for salmon to reside over winter and spawn in. This has further allowed us to increase the number of salmon able to live in our river, and its tributaries. To see some of our other restoration projects and accomplishments, check them out below.

UncategorizedNewsProjectsSalmon Habitat Regeneration
May 19, 2021

Salmon Habitat Assessment & Education Project

Alouette Watershed Salmon Habitat Assessment & Education Project Thanks to the Pacific Salmon Foundation for providing $4425 to assist us in implementing our “Alouette Watershed Samonid Habitat Assessment & Education…
Featured ProjectFish LadderProjectsSalmon Habitat Regeneration
July 23, 2020

Alouette Sockeye Adult Enumeration

In order to assess the feasibility of anadromous sockeye salmon re-introduction into the Alouette Reservoir, studies are being conducted to determine the return success of sockeye adults to the Allco…
ProjectsSalmon Habitat RegenerationFeatured Project
April 1, 2016

Alouette Sockeye Enhancement Hatchery

Alouette Sockeye Enhancement Hatchery AKA: Experimental Release of Hatchery Reared Sea-Run Kokanee into Alouette Reservoir to Evaluate the Feasibility of Re-establishing a Sockeye Salmon Run – 2015 (16.ALU.02) Alouette Sockeye…
UncategorizedProjectsSalmon Habitat RegenerationFeatured Project
April 1, 2016

Mud Creek Sedimentation Ponds

Click here to view the Mud Creek Information Sign
NewsSalmon Habitat Regeneration
October 19, 2012

Katzie Slough Blind Channel – Habitat Monitoring

In spring this year, ARMS received a  grant from the Pacific Salmon Foundation to monitor the health of a newly constructed channel in Pitt Meadows for overwintering salmonid species.  ARMS…
Coniagas Channel Construction NewsSalmon Habitat Regeneration
October 5, 2012

Coniagas Channel Project

Work started on the 17th September at the Coniagas Ranches to create additional overwintering habitat for salmonid species.    ARMS will be in charge of site and administration project management, working…
volunteer with fish trap Salmon Habitat RegenerationNews
October 5, 2012

Scouts and 232 Street Channel Monitoring

Last summer, with funding from BC Hydro’s Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans retrofitted a channel that had been created over 15 years ago to…
stumps ProjectsSalmon Habitat Regeneration
September 28, 2012

Woody Debris Installation

The Value of Woody Debris in our Rivers The Alouette River Management Society works with many partners to replace some of the woody debris that has been lost over the…