Defend the Heart of the Fraser

On October 22 2018 ARMS sent a letter, Defend the Heart of the Fraser – Signed letter to Minister Wilkinson – 22 Oct 2018, to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Jonathan Wilkinson stating our support and need for urgent action to protect the Heart of the Fraser. This is the stretch of river between Mission and Hope and is critical to the survival of Fraser River salmon stocks. Its gravel reaches are prime spawning habitat for salmon and white sturgeon, as well as a nursery for billions of baby salmon every year. Link to the video

Two islands in the Heart of the Fraser are under threat of development. Herrling and Carey Islands not only provide a large amount of vital fish habitat but are an important area for fishing and outdoor recreation. Developers have applied to build bridges to these islands which, if approved, would lead to destruction of critical fish habitat.

Clearcutting has already begun on the two islands, and in some cases, there is no riparian vegetation left to stabilize the river banks. Unless governments take immediate action, this important ecosystem will be irreversibly destroyed.

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