Alouette River Management Society COVID-19 Program Protocols and Adjustments

Updated July 8, 2021

ARMS Day Camps COVID-19 Health and Safety Implementation Manual – updated 8 July 2021

The below programming and delivery adjustments have been designed in consultation with numerous resources, and with the understanding that while the Alouette River Management Society aims to reduce risk as much as possible, we cannot guarantee the health of all its staff and participants.

We will remain flexible as the landscape changes, and adjust programming as required, based on guidance and advice from, BC Centre for Disease Control, the Government of Canada, Public Health Canada, Fraser Health , and other resources. Our programming adjustments may change over time as new information, research, and guidance is unveiled.

Programs that cannot meet current requirements and guidelines will be canceled or restructured.

Staff Protocols:

  • Staff will not come to work if they are feeling ill. If they are feeling ill, they are to stay home and self-isolate for a minimum of 10 days from the onset of symptoms, or until symptoms have completely cleared.
  • Staff are not permitted to come to work if a member of their household has tested positive for COVID-19, is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, or has a probable case of COVID-19. A return to work date will be determined in consultation with public health officials.
  • Staff are not permitted to come to work if they have traveled internationally within 14 days prior to their first day of work.
  • Any staff exhibiting symptoms during the program will go home immediately.
  • All staff will follow proper hygiene and handwashing guidelines. This includes washing their hands when they arrive and before they leave.
  • Staff will maintain required physical distancing (2 metres) to the best of their ability, as the situation dictates.
  • Staff are not required to wear masks and gloves unless administering first aid or needing to be within close proximity of a child (e.g., nonviolent crisis intervention).
  • During summer camp programming, we are a small staff team of 7. Staff will do our best to stay consistent with one group of participants from week to week.

Program Protocols:

  • Pick-up and drop-off markers will be placed to encourage 2 metres physical distance.
  • Programs will be split up into smaller group sizes based on age and will distance themselves throughout the activity areas.
  • Physical distancing within the group will be observed as much as possible. Physical distancing will be incorporated into the games for the day.
  • Programs will stay away from members of the public as much as possible.
  • Programming will be adjusted so that physical contact between participants is limited as much as possible. Activities with close physical contact will be limited.
  • Depending on the size of the program, lunchtimes may be staggered to allow for smaller groups within the undercover spaces.
  • All shared equipment and supplies will be cleaned at the end of each day with soap and water or wiped down with public health approved sanitizer. Sharing supplies and equipment will be minimized as much as possible.
  • Any tables, benches, and chairs used throughout the day will be sanitized at the end of each day.
  • Items that are impossible to clean will be avoided, or campers will be given personalized supplies that will be cleaned at the end of the day (ie: crayons).
  • All participants MUST bring their own supply of water for the day in their own water bottle. Emergency water will be on hand if needed. No sharing of food will be permitted.  All participants must bring a personal bottle of public health approved hand sanitizer however, hand sanitizer will be available onsite and during programming.

Participant Protocols

  • A participant will not be permitted to attend the program if the participant or a member of their household has experienced any flu-like or cold symptoms within 14 days prior to the first day of the program.
  • A participant will not be permitted to attend the program if the participant or a member of their household has had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or is awaiting COVID-19 test results, within 14 days prior to the start of the program.
  • Families will be asked two pre-screening questions upon arrival. If the answer is “yes” to either question, they will not be allowed to attend the program:
  1. Have you, or members of your household, experienced any flu-like or cold symptoms within the last 14 days?
  2. Have you, or a member of your household, had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or is awaiting COVID-19 test results within the last 14 days?
  • Temperature checks upon arrival will not be done as per the BC Public Health Minister’s recommendations.  Parents will be asked to take their child/ren’s temperature each day before arriving and will sign off stating that they have done so and their child does not have an elevated temperature.
  • As per the BC Public Health Minister’s recommendations, participants will not be required to wear masks. Participants may do so if they choose.
  • Upon arrival each day, participants and their parent/guardian will confirm that they are in good health and not exhibiting any flu-like or cold symptoms.
  • If a participant starts exhibiting any flu-like or cold symptoms during the program, they will be removed from the program immediately and sent home. The participant will be kept in a separate and supervised area until they can be picked up.
    • Staff have the right to discreetly request that families portraying any symptoms must be sent home and do not attend camp for a minimum of 10 days.

Hygiene Protocols:

  • Handwashing stations for Alouette River Management Society programs will be set up. Hand sanitizer will also be available.
  • Participants and staff are required to follow proper handwashing techniques for a minimum of 20 seconds. Signs will be posted at the handwashing station.
  • Participants and staff are expected to wash their hands: upon arrival, before eating, after using the washroom, after coughing or sneezing, before and after administering first aid, and when the participants are picked up.
  • Participants and staff are discouraged from touching their face and must cough or sneeze into their sleeve.
  • Non-surgical grade masks and gloves will be made available in first aid kits and must be used when administering any type of first aid.  A mask must also be worn by the person receiving first aid for the during of being treated.
  • All camp programming will take place in Allco Park.  A public washroom is available.  The washroom will be wiped down before programming commences each day, every hour and cleaned at the end of every day.

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