BC Hydro Compensation Tree Planting

This week BC Hydro’s Sterling Pearce and ARMS volunteers are replacing lost vegetation which is needed to keep small streams such as Clayton Creek, cool, and fed with leaf-drop that will help promote water quality and improve the downstream health of the South Alouette River for salmon and other aquatic species.  BC Hydro is providing professional expertise and funding of $5000 to restore the area which lies between the Alouette Dam and the Alouette Correctional Centre for Women.  “Volunteering with Sterling today was a rewarding experience” said volunteer Scotti Griffin, “I had the opportunity to plant trees at Clayton Creek and learn about what kind of trees will thrive best in that specific riparian area. It was a great way to gain experience, meet new people, and learn new skills.”

The restoration work near the South Alouette is a great example of how ARMS is working with organizations such as BC Hydro to bring about better awareness of the importance of upholding environmental standards and the need for a much-impacted river system, such as the South Alouette, to receive a softer approach when it comes to development.

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