

Alouette Reservoir and Alouette River Levels

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The Alouette Reservoir and River are monitored by BC Hydro and Environment Canada.  BC Hydro monitors the elevation levels of the water in the reservoir. Environment Canada keeps track of the inflows and velocity of water flowing down the South Alouette River.  The water in the Alouette Reservoir is kept at different levels throughout the year according to the Implementation Order.  During the peak recreation period on the reservoir, the water level is kept at 122.50m.

At the south end of the Alouette Reservoir is a spill-gate and the free crest weir.  Water from the Alouette Reservoir can be released proactively through the spill-gate ahead of a winter storm.  In the event of more inflows than outflows, the water levels may overtop the free crest weir, an example would be of the November 2021 extreme rain event (otherwise known as an atmospheric river). These overflows happen when the reservoir level exceeds 125.0m.

Approximately 94% of Alouette inflows are diverted through a 1km tunnel at the north end of the Alouette Reservoir into Stave Lake.  The water flows through the diversion tunnel for the majority of the year, feeding the Stave Watershed system including the Stave Falls power station and the Ruskin Dam power station.

**Current water levels of the reservoir can be found at BC Hydro’s Alouette Lake page


Alouette Dam from the downstream perspective


The Alouette River is monitored at the 232nd Street bridge in Maple Ridge. This station monitors the height of the river as well as its flow  twenty-four hours a day.

**For the current Alouette River height and flow numbers, you can visit Environment Canada’s information page here.


Alouette River