Maple Ridge Adopt-a-Block Program

The Alouette River Management Society and the City of Maple Ridge invite you to adopt a block in your neighbourhood!

What is Adopt-a-Block?
The Maple Ridge Adopt-a-Block is a volunteer based initiative that envisions a cleaner, healthier, litter-free City. The idea behind Adopt-a-Block is to encourage active community engagement and promote proper waste disposal while building neighbourhood relationships in pursuit of keeping Maple Ridge beautiful!

Volunteer members of Adopt-a-Block commit to taking responsibility for the state of the City by ‘adopting’ an area in neighbourhhod. This involves collecting small amounts of litter on a monthly basis for one year in the designated area.

How does it work?
Adopt-A-Block involves collecting small amounts of litter on a monthly basis in your designated area. Associated with Adopt-A-Block are three other programs, including Adopt-A-Stream, Adopt-A-Park, and Adopt-A-Trail. Once you register and adopt your block, you can sign-out equipment from the Alouette River Management Society Rivers Heritage Centre (arrange in advance). You can keep the equipment for the duration of your commitment period. High visibility vests will be provided for large group cleanups. There is no set schedule – when you have a bit of free time, do a quick cleanup!

Adopt-A-Stream involves collecting litter as well as other stream activities, such as water quality testing and replacing invasive plants with native species. However, you must attain your Streamkeepers certification to engage in any stream activities besides basic litter pickup.

Who can participate?
Adopt-A-Block welcomes everyone! Students participate to gain volunteer hours to graduate, retired individuals join to stay active in their community, families adopt together as a fun, constructive activity – the possibilities are endless. Keeping our community tidy makes Maple Ridge that much more beautiful to enjoy.

Click a link below to download the registration package for individuals and families and submit completed forms to (scanned documents) or mail to 24959 Alouette Road, Maple Ridge, BC, V4R 1R8.
Word Document: Adopt-A-Block Registration Package (Individuals and Families)
PDF: Adopt-A-Block Registration Package (Individuals and Families)
If you are interested in making adoption as a business, group, or organization, contact us to receive your business package and registration materials.

Contact Us
If you are interested in the Adopt-A-Block program or Adopt-A-Stream program, contact us to register or learn more! Your commitment and contributions will be appreciated by anyone – or anything – that calls Maple Ridge home.
Phone: 604-463-9699 (Adopt-A-Block) or 604-467-6401 (ARMS)

We are looking for a business sponsor for this program

If you would like to sponsor the Maple Ridge Adopt-a-Block Program or would like more information sponsorship please contact 

adopt a block