The Alouette River Management Society is dedicated to proactively protecting and improving the Alouette Watershed and surrounding areas by creating a healthy environment connecting parks, trail systems, public centers and waterways.
Our goals for the future: We envision the Alouette Watershed as a resilient ecosystem rich in biodiversity, culture, and recreation that is protected, maintained and stewarded for years to come.
How are we going to do that? With our three key priorities:
Develop new connections and deepen existing relationships affecting the Alouette River Watershed.
Develop and deliver exceptional education and outreach experiences to educate the public and community
Monitor, protect, enhance, and advocate for the health of the Alouette Watershed.

Help support BC’s Wild Salmon with your generosity
As a non-profit, charitable organization, we rely on the support of our community and concerned individuals. Your support enables us to continue to restore the environment, educate youth and the community about our natural heritage, and promote environmental stewardship.
When you support ARMS, you help us:
Protect and preserve the environment and habitat of the Alouette River Watershed.
Provide environmental education to the community.
Develop and partner on various habitat restoration and maintenance projects within the Alouette Watershed.
Assist and advise federal, provincial and municipal agencies in the care and development of the Alouette River Watershed
Support small restoration projects by becoming a Roe donor. No matter the size, your generosity makes a difference and helps us continue to restore wildlife habitat.
Donate $5/monthFRY
Assist us in our bigger restoration projects, like our salmonoid and wetland habitat enhancements. By becoming a Fry donor, you can support salmon and other wildlife in the Alouette River.
Donate $10/monthSMOLT
Help us continue our campaign to have all five species of Pacific Salmon regain fish passage in the Alouette River and into Alouette Reservoir. To support migrating smolts and returning adults for years to come!
Donate $20/monthSPAWNER
Spawner donors power our most complex campaigns that last for multiple years. Without your support we wouldn't be able to take on these projects, we're so grateful - Thank you!
Donate $35/monthGet To Know Us Better
Community Outreach
Our organization is deeply involved in the community of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. We make it a goal of ours to engage the community in educational events, talk about salmon conservation, restoration projects and our Adopt-A-Block program. We believe in collaborating with the community, individuals, businesses and other organizations to create effective change and support the Alouette River and all the species that depend on it.
Salmonoid Habitat Restoration
We have had the pleasure of restoring salmon habitat throughout the Alouette River and it’s off channels. By making channels along streams, supplying gravel and woody debris, we have created areas for salmon to reside over winter and spawn in. This has further allowed us to increase the number of salmon able to live in our river, and its tributaries within the City of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.
Classroom Programs
Our classroom programs have been created with the BC Teachers Learning Outcomes in mind and each program is relevant to our ecosystem here in the Fraser Valley. From teaching about the five pacific salmon species, our watershed, pollution, littering, to bees, bats, frogs and everything in between. We visit schools throughout the Lower Mainland teaching kids of all ages about the importance of the ecosystems and wildlife within our reach.
Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter which includes upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, the latest salmon news, restoration projects and more!
The Alouette River Watershed and Rivers Heritage Centre are located on the traditional territory of the Katzie (q̓ic̓əy̓) First Nation and Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓) First Nations.